veterans benefits rebate
Individuals who receive Social Security, veterans benefits or Railroad Retirement benefits are eligible for a $300 tax rebate ($600 for married couples), as long as they earned at least $3,000 in qualifying benefits, earned income or a combination in 2007.
The IRS said last month that more than 5 million retirees and disabled veterans who are eligible for a piece of the $152 billion economic stimulus package have failed to take the steps necessary to get their tax-rebate checks.
How to file?
Download a copy of Form 1040A from the Irs website, or click on "Free File on the Irs website.
At the top of the form Write stimulus payment, fill your details, chose between direct deposit of your rebate check or have it mailed to you, sign, and wait for the money.
Senior Citizen Homeowners' Exemption (SCHE) -Tax Reductions for Individual Property Owners:
Senior Citizen Homeowners' Exemption (SCHE) for Owners of 1-3 family houses, condominiums, or cooperative apartments who are age 65 or older, and whose Federal Adjusted Gross Income, reduced by unreimbursed medical expenses, is less than $36,400 a year may qualify for a reduction to their assessed value of 5% - 50% (depending on income).
Homeowners who receive SCHE also automatically receive School Tax Relief.
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